Giovanni Botti
Plastic SurgeonSalo, Italy
Giovanni Botti comes from Salò, Lake Garda, Italy and is the head manager and the main surgeon of Villa Bella Clinic, one of the best equipped and most advanced cosmetic surgery-dedicated clinics in Europe. He has taken part as faculty member in very many aesthetic surgery courses and congresses, organised by both universities and scientific societies in more than 30 different countries.
He has also performed demonstrative surgical operations in various hospitals worldwide. He is the author of four complete books: “Liposuzione ambulatoriale” (1988), “Chirurgia estetica dell’invecchiamento facciale” (“Aesthetic surgery of the aging face”-1995), “Mastoplastiche estetiche” (“Aesthetic mammaplasties”-2004),”Chirurgia plastica estetica del midface e del collo” (“Midface and neck aesthetic plastic surgery”- 2010), translated into English and Spanish, and has written chapters of several textbooks together with 71 scientific articles published by the most well-known international medical reviews.
Dr Botti has been awarded for his contributions to the improvement of aesthetic surgery by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (Philadelphia, 1990), by the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Tokyo, 2000), by the Aegiptyan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Cairo, 2001), by IMCAS, (Paris 2003, etc), by the Romanian Society of Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Sinaia, 2006), by the Moldavian Society of Aesthetic Surgery (2007) and by the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2010). He has taught for several years at the post-graduate aesthetic plastic surgery class of Pavia University and of Siena University and at the aesthetic surgery Master’s courses of Milan University. He has been Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery at Verona University from 2002 until now. He has also been lecturer in the Master’s Courses of Aesthetic Surgery of Padua University, Rome University, Genoa University, Wien University, Nice University, Lausanne University and has been the Director of the annual course “Vesalius” on facial plastic surgery (for Italian doctors) at Bruxelles Free University and the annual course on aesthetic plastic surgery of Villa Bella Clinic, as well as of the two annual courses on aesthetic surgery of the anatomy department of the Vienna University.
He is honorary member of the French Society of Aesthetic Surgery, of the Aegyptian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, of the Romanian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, of the Moldavian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, of the Serbian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and of the Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
He was the first President of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (AICPE), of which now he is the Honorary President. He is an active member of various national and international societies (AICPE, ISAPS, EASAPS, AFPS, ISLAS, IPRAS, etc). He is National Secretary of ISAPS for Italy and anISAPS travelling Professor. And, perhaps even more important, he loves his job!
List of publications concerning breast surgery on Pubmed